P16 Antibody Reacts With Bovine

Lass1 (Cross reacts with GDF1)

MBS395829-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 425

Bovine Antibody Laboratories manufactures the p16 antibody reacts with bovine reagents distributed by Genprice. The P16 Antibody Reacts With Bovine reagent is RUO (Research Use Only) to test human serum or cell culture lab samples. To purchase these products, for the MSDS, Data Sheet, protocol, storage conditions/temperature or for the concentration, please contact bovine Antibody. Other P16 products are available in stock. Specificity: P16 Category: Antibody Group: Reacts With

Bovine True insulin ELISA kit

EUR 700
Description: ELISA

Bovine True insulin ELISA kit

48 wells plate
EUR 280

Bovine True insulin ELISA kit

96 wells plate
EUR 405

Bovine True Insulin ELISA Kit

EUR 6725

Bovine True Insulin ELISA Kit

EUR 550

Bovine True Insulin ELISA Kit

EUR 3420

Bovine True Insulin ELISA Kit

EUR 765

Reacts With information

Bovine C Reactive Protein (CRP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard)

MBS2089995-5x96Tests 5x96Tests
EUR 1175

Bovine C Reactive Protein (CRP) Antibody Pair Kit (with Standard)

MBS2089995-5x96TestsMBS2090685AbPairsSupportPack15x96Tests 5x96Tests+MBS2090685(AbPairsSupportPack1,5x96Tests)
EUR 1245

Mouse Monoclonal Anti-Human Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV, A2 strain) IgG (reacts with A & B strains)

RSV15-M 100 ul
EUR 578.4

CD20/MS4A1 linear peptide (QDKLTQWPKWLEg, 13-aa) contains WPXWLE motif and reacts with rituximab

CD20-RP5L-P 100 ug
EUR 196.8

Mouse IgG ELISA (No reactivity with Bovine and Human)

GWB-IGGXSP 96 well Ask for price

Mouse IgG ELISA Kit (No reactivity with Bovine, Human)

MBS564169-5x96Wells 5x96Wells
EUR 2460

Mouse IgG ELISA Kit (No reactivity with Bovine, Human)

MBS564169-96Wells 96Wells
EUR 535

Rabbit Anti-Hemagglutinin Influenza A Virus H1N1 H1 (Pan H1N1 reacts with multiple strains of H1N1) IgG, purified

H1N1-02-A 100 ul
EUR 578.4

CD20/MS4A1 linear peptide (WPRWLEN, 7-aa) contains motif WPXWLE, 6-aa; Rp1L-1) and reacts with rituximab

CD20-RP1L-P 100 ug
EUR 196.8

CD20/MS4A1 linear peptide (WPRWLEN, 7-aa) contains motif WPXWLE, 6-aa; Rp1L-1) and reacts with rituximab

RP1L-P 100 ug
EUR 196.8

Goat Anti-E-coli IgG, aff pure (reacts with TOP 10F, HB101, JM109, BL21, DH5 alpha and K12, O157-H7; and other strains)

ECO11-A 0.5 mg
EUR 489.6

Human Monoclonal Anti-Dengue Virus Type 1-4 Envelop protein Domiam III (Env-DIII) IgG1 (reacts with DV1-4 DIIII, neutralizing)

DV1234E22-M 100 ul
EUR 578.4

Human Monoclonal Anti-Dengue Virus Type 1-4 Envelop protein Domiam I-II (Env-DI-II) IgG1 (reacts with DV1-4 DIIII, neutralizing)

DV1234E23-M 100 ul
EUR 578.4

Bovine IgG ELISA Kit (No reactivity with Mouse,Human,Rabbit,Rat)

MBS564165-5x96Wells 5x96Wells
EUR 2895

Bovine IgG ELISA Kit (No reactivity with Mouse,Human,Rabbit,Rat)

MBS564165-96Wells 96Wells
EUR 630

Bovine Anti-C Reactive Protein Antibody ELISA Kit

MBS077117-10x96StripWells 10x96-Strip-Wells
EUR 6725

Bovine Anti-C Reactive Protein Antibody ELISA Kit

MBS077117-48StripWells 48-Strip-Wells
EUR 550